Day 10

Home Forums Writing Down The Dark Day 10

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  • #30440
    Leanne Matton


    “It is so hard to leave—until you leave. And then it is
    the easiest goddamned thing in the world.”
    John Green in Paper Towns

    How many times and in how many situations have you started to wonder whether it’s time to quit?

    For each of these situations where you want to quit, or you aren’t yet sure if it’s time but you’ve been considering it, write a letter of resignation.

    Address it to anyone or anything you like. It might be about a job, relationship, activity or mindset that you aren’t sure you want to be in any longer. You can resign completely or you can just take a leave of absence for a period of time.

    Dear Procrastination
    Dear Household Chores
    Dear Sugar
    Dear Town I Grew Up In
    Dear Guilt
    Dear Putting Others First
    Dear Healing Journey
    Dear Treadmill

    Outline your reasons for leaving and include a date your resignation will take effect. You can put a return date if this is applicable.

    You could also include any changes you would require in order to consider staying or returning after a break. Notice how writing this letter(s) feels.


    Subject: Letter of Resignation

    To: Whom It May Concern

    I am writing to inform you that I am resigning from my role as ‘person expected to get everything right the first time I do it’. I freely admit I have never been very good at this role, and therefore you have had to continually micro-manage my performance.

    I have been offered an opportunity at another type of life which will further my personal and professional growth. My new role requires me to do everything slowly, at a pace that feels right for me and not everybody else, and if something takes all day for me to do then that is what I will be required to do.

    The role also requires that if I learn something new I take as long as possible to do it, and look as foolish as I can in the process without the need to feel shame or guilt.

    I believe this role will be a much better fit for me. I understand this philosophy does not fit with my current role and as such our contract has become untenable, so it is now time to move on.

    However I leave feeling satisfied with the standards of my effort and commitment to the role, and would like to thank you for the learning and opportunities you have afforded me.

    I regret any inconvenience my resignation may cause, but I know there will be plenty of people to step into the role.

    As I have been in your employ so long, I am providing no notice. My last working day will be today, and I am going home early.

    Yours sincerely


    Dear Life,
    I’m giving you notice. I require a leave of absence.
    I’m tired. I’m broken.

    Being misunderstood
    Over and over and over
    Has worn me to a place of
    The price I pay for opening my mouth
    Is way too high
    I’m so, so tired of being judged
    Of being assaulted
    Of found wanting
    Never good enough

    I’m going to curl up
    and play dead
    Cocoon myself
    Until my wings unfurl
    And I fly
    far, far away

    Leanne Matton

    Curl up and play dead, yes isn’t that exactly what our nervous systems do when we feel assaulted, and being misunderstood, being judged, it all just feels so much like a physical assault on our bodies. Keep cocooning until those beautiful gossamer wings are ready to take you far away from all that turmoil x


    Aww, thank you Leanne. xx

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